Aumatics IT Services.

Don't make black friday a black december.

Hackers have a good reason for connecting a 'shopper's party' with an attack on your corporate network. Attackers search online for every opportunity to break into a corporate network. Our experience is that that opportunity is found faster than you think.

During a quick scan of a network – we are happy to do it without obligation – we regularly come across dozens of weaknesses. Black Friday can unintentionally add additional problems.

Business laptop, private use

Gartner, an influential IT research firm, made this clear recently. Here too we can point the finger of blame at corona. It has ensured that work and private life intertwine.

That is true of the majority of those polled in the Gartner poll. It shows that about 55% of the tens of thousands of respondents indicated that business devices are used for personal use. This is often online shopping. And that brings us to Black Friday.

Do you also shop privately with your employer's PC? It may well be that the loan agreement of your PC states that this is not a good idea. If not, here it is again: not a good idea.

For example, you are bombarded with Black Friday deals in emails these days. Do you check every link in such a mailing? Does this actually come from the web store?

With one click in

If this is not the case, there is a chance that you will give hackers access to your device with one click. This happens in the background, without you noticing. The attacker can then try to gain access to the company network via your device.

We can read daily in the news where that leads. It takes you a month to recover from an attack. These are expensive days, when many colleagues sit with their arms folded.

2 tips, with an offer for prevention

If your passwords have ever been leaked once, chances are your data has been exposed on the dark web.

Curious about the check? Ask us at the bottom of the page or read more about our services for IT Security. The approach chosen for IT Security partly depends on how much and which data we encounter on the dark web.       

IT Services

Is your company data on the Dark Web?

Are your business email addresses being put up for sale on the Dark Web? Aumatics will tell you quickly, linked to a plan of action for more cyber security. 

A password manager prevents expensive mistakes

Use an extra lock on the door. Passwords are often less strong than you think. Using a password manager prevents a lot of trouble. It's an extra lock on the door. Much needed today!

That's why we would like to introduce you to password manager for free Keeper. Request a license for a trial period, for you and your colleagues. 

This minimizes the chance that passwords are lying around unsecured in the wrong places. And passwords stolen from Keeper's password vault are unusable elsewhere due to encryption.

  • Just from your browser
  • Only you determine the access
  • All passwords under lock and key
  • After trial period: € 2,50 per month

IT unburdens. Discover the convenience.

Discover how Aumatics can be your partner for reliable IT Services. Dozens of customers preceded you. Contact us and we will discuss your IT challenge further.

Aumatics IT Services, part of hello,

The world of IT solutions. It continues to intrigue us.

Ransomware: don't become the next KNVB

Ransomware: don't become the next KNVB

The KNVB is up to its neck in theft of a lot of sensitive data. Prior to a successful hack, you have the opportunity to prevent damage as much as possible. In this blog we give 3 recommendations, so take advantage of them.