Aumatics IT Services.

The plus of your email address

How many mailing lists are you on? And if you don't know: how many newsletters do you receive in the Inbox every week? There are more than you think. Maybe more than you thought you received.

Do you ever wonder where a newsletter comes from? You can find out quickly. You can easily identify newsletter senders with this handy addition.

The next time you sign up for a mailing, don't just enter your e-mail address, but also add a plus sign (+) and your own text after your name. So for example ''. The newsletter will then simply arrive in your Inbox, but addressed to ''. This way you immediately know the origin of a newsletter.

Suppose you not only receive the latest football news, but also an unknown newsletter with offers, addressed to You then know that your address has been resold by the football friends. Time for the red card.

Do you receive spam or phishing via that email address? Then their site is leaking or hackers have made their move. Perhaps a permanent suspension is more appropriate, before your IT Security really gets into trouble.

PS: Do you think you recognize phishing? We have a challenge for you. And a few good tips.     

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The world of IT solutions. It continues to intrigue us.

Ransomware: don't become the next KNVB

Ransomware: don't become the next KNVB

The KNVB is up to its neck in theft of a lot of sensitive data. Prior to a successful hack, you have the opportunity to prevent damage as much as possible. In this blog we give 3 recommendations, so take advantage of them.